Illuminate the manuscript

First impression is that of an irregular doily floating in a shallow algal pool, maybe. But tracing the line reveals distinct structural elements. At the center is a cluster of inward facing loops, alternating slightly in size. A chain of outer facing loops runs down one side then switches back and run up the same side, then down and back up the other side, before running once around the interior to stick the core and the pincer-like shell together in a single unbroken whorl. There’s a symmetry to the structure that isn’t simply radial or spiral. Turns out, all manner of complex forms can rise from a basic and binary visual vocabulary. Once you have chains that can mirror each other, you have everything.

I don’t want any purely decorative marginalia. I want for every element, every loop and interval, to play a structural role.

acrylic on canvas


Let some ...


Sing ...